Thursday, November 22, 2012

Manas Puja - A Short and Effective Method of Internal or Mental Worship

Hindu method of worship involves both external  as well as internal or mental rituals of worship for a chosen deity or Ishta devataa.  A short and effective method for the internal worship is outlined here.  Typically, rituals of external worship follow after the rituals of internal or mental worship.  However, if you do not have time for performing external worship, you will be still greatly benefited by performing just an internal worship.

Hindus worship various aspects of Brahman or Sat-Cit-Anand or the ultimate reality. For example Hindus worship Lord Ganesh for removal of difficulties on the path of spiritual as well as worldly success, goddess Laxmi for spiritual as well as worldly prosperity, goddess Saraswati for spiritual as well as worldly knowledge, etc. A short and effective way of worship is described here for the benefit of mankind.  Except for the moola mantra or root mantra, which varies from deity to deity, the fundamental method of worship remains the same for all deities.  Below are the steps of worship for Divine Mother Durga which can be used for any other deity or aspect of Brahman by just changing the root mantra given in the italics font.  Steps are as follows:

1.      Place a picture of the deity or symbol of worship before you, in this case Mother Durga.

2.      Light a candle and burn incense.

3.      Sit in a comfortable position such as sukhaasana, siddhaasana, or padmaasana etc., siddhaasana being the position of the accomplished.

4.      Place the hands on your knees in chin mudra or the attitude of consciousness.  Keep the spine straight and body relaxed.

5.      Chant Om three times.  The more properly Om is chanted the more effective it is.

6.      Chant “Om Gam Ganeshaya Namah” while contemplating upon Lord Ganesh to remove any difficulties.  One of the major difficulties could be a restless mind, lack of concentration, etc.  While chanting consciously think that Lord Ganesh is removing all your restlessness so that you can fully concentrate on the puja or worship.

7.      Intently gaze at the form of the deity and think about the profound meaning behind the symbolism.  When you know the meaning behind the symbolism, worship takes a much deeper form and is much more effective.  Now close your eyes and try to visualize the form of the deity at your heart center as best as you can while being aware of what the deity or the sacred symbol stands for.  The heart center is located at the sternum.

8.   Do a samkalpa or resolution as to what you want from the aspect of God you are worshiping.  For example "Mother Durga, please remove all evil from within me", etc.  While doing this samkalpa, stay intensely aware of your samkalpa.

9.      Now focus on the muladhara chakra or the perineum, which is located midway between the anus and the genital for men and at the cervix for women.  It is more effective if you can mentally locate and visualize the chakra.  Those who are not familiar with the chakra system simply concentrate at the general location as best as you can.  This chakra represents the earth element.  Sandal paste represents the earth element and the sense of touch.  The root sound is Lam.  Bring the tips of thumb and little finger together.  Mentally offer the earth element in the form of sandal paste to the chosen deity seated at the heart center by mentally chanting “Om Hreem Dum Durgaayai (replace the root mantra in italics appropriately for deities other than Durga)Lam Prithivyatmakam Gandham Samarpayaami” while visualizing dissolution of the earth element into the form of the deity.  The chanting within the quotation marks means “I am offering to Thee sandal paste representing the earth element.”

10.      Move your attention to visuddhi chakra or throat center and visualize the chakra.  This chakra represents the aakash or space element and the sense of hearing.  The root sound is Ham.  Bring the tips of the index finger and thumb together.  Mentally offer the space element in the form of a flower to the deity at the heart chakra by chanting “Om Hreem Dum Durgaayai Ham Aakaashaatmakam Puspam Samarpayaami” meaning “I am offering Thee the flower representing the space element.”

11.   Move your attention to anaahata chakra or throat center and visualize the chakra.  This chakra represents the vaayu or the air element and the sense of smell.  The root sound is Yam.  Place the tip of index finger on the thumb nail.  Mentally offer the air element in the form of incense to the deity at the heart chakra by chanting “Om Hreem Dum Durgayaai Yam Vayaatmakam Dhupam Samarpayaami” meaning “I am offering Thee the incense representing the air element.”

12.   Move your attention to manipura chakra or naval center and visualize the chakra.  This chakra represents tejas or fire element and the sense of sight.  The root sound is Ram.  Bring the tips of the middle finger and thumb together.  Mentally offer the fire element in the form of candle to the deity at the heart chakra by chanting “Om Hreem Dum Durgaayai Ram Banhyaatmakam Deepam Samarpayaami” meaning “I am offering Thee the candle flame representing the fire element.”

13.   Move your attention to swaadhisthana or sex chakra and visualize the chakra.  This chakra represents aapah or the water element and the sense of taste.  The root sound is Vam (pronounced Wam).  Bring the tips of the ring finger and thumb together.  Mentally offer the water element in the form of food offering to the deity at the heart chakra by chanting “Om Hreem Dum Durgaayai Vam Amritaatmakam Naivedyam Samarpayaami” meaning “I am offering Thee the food offering representing the water element.”

14.   Move your attention to the visualized deity at the heart chakra.  Bring the tips of all five fingers together.  Mentally offer all elements by chanting “Om Hreem Dum Durgayai Sam Sarvaatmakam Sarvopachaaraan Samarpayaami” meaning “I am offering you all items representing all elements.”

15.   Chant a prayer in honor of the deity.  For example for Durga you can chant “Sarva Mangala Maangalye Sive Sarvaartha Saadhike.  Saranye Trayambake Gauri Naraayani Namostute.”  Depending on your time availability you can chant more prayers.  Mentally surrender yourself to the deity.

16.   Open your eyes and prostrate before the deity offering your reverence to the deity.

This ends the short mental worship.  The whole worship can be completed in as little as 5 minutes or in as long as you want.  The idea of offering the elements is to negate that you are not the physical body made of the five elements.  Remember that you are truly not worshiping anyone other than your very own Self in the form of a sacred symbol since your mind cannot comprehend the transcendental.  Perfection in the worship described above will prepare you to do higher saadhanaa where you will be able to offer your own mind, intellect, memory, and ego finally realizing that your essence is none other than the Supreme Self.  

Internal or mental method of Hindu worship is a very powerful method of worship when done sincerely with a samkalpa or resolution to bring about the desired result, be it spiritual or material.  


Anonymous said...

Many many thanks for these practical tips for mental worship! I also found one blog useful-

Anonymous said...

Many many thanks for these practical tips of mental worship! I also found one more blog useful-